After a long time I finally had the time to build my own AT-ST. My previous
version was offcourse a shameless copy of Shaun Sullivans masterpiece.
My AT-ST V2.0 (yeah that's right!) has been made from scratch. I always
thought that my previous model was too big to be minifig scale (no offence
mr. Sullivan) so my new version is a lot smaller.
The head was the difficult thing to do and although it can only carry one
minifig now I think it looks pretty cool.
This new AT-ST has some big limitations:
It's pretty fragile
It doesn't seat 2
It has little playability (sp?) value
But it also has some cool working parts:
(limited) posable legs
swiveling head
adjustable "chin" guns
adjustable targeting sensors
And it can still seat a minifig :-)
I think it is much closer to minifig scale and it looks better compared to a
speeder bike than the previous one.
Greetz from rainy holland,
Jay Cal
Ps. if you really want to know where to find the new AT-ST....
Pics are here: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=2099
The real life model is on my desk :-)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: AT-ST v2.0
| Nobody replied to my post. So is it safe for me to conclude nobody liked my new MOC? Geez I hope not :( It's still ok to let me know what you think :-) Greetz, Jay New and better pics will follow shortly. And eh... Mr Hayes, thanks for the input. (24 years ago, 30-Nov-00, to lugnet.starwars, lugnet.build)
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