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 Boats / 319 (-5)
  Re: SNOT Boating, con't
(...) I put up a couple more views. As much as I like POVRay, it unfortunately insists on a 3d perspective, so even when I want a simple top down or side projection view, you're stuck with some distortion on the ends. Ahh well, I suppose that is, (...) (23 years ago, 14-Nov-01, to,
  Re: SNOT Boating, con't
(...) *boo hoo hoo* You cad, I chawwenge you to a DUEL! :) (...) I'm glad you actually got a copy of the thing. I hope you'll post lateral and dorsal views--I'd like to get a look at that curvature. Do you actually have enough 1x1 technic beams to (...) (23 years ago, 14-Nov-01, to,
  Re: SNOT Boating, con't (LONG)
In e-mail, LFB wrote (and I beg LFB's approval, as this is reprinted here without express written consent, although I am willing to suffer any and all appropriate consequences for this breach of etiquette): (...) Hi Lindsay, At the front of the (...) (23 years ago, 13-Nov-01, to,
  MegaBloks Boomer
Hey Rick (and all)-- For that interior detail, I saw something very interesting this weekend at TRU: A MegaBloks cut-away model of a 'boomer! I don't know if it would be worth a look, as it's nowhere near minifig scale, but I found it sort of (...) (23 years ago, 21-Oct-01, to,,
  Re: Name That Apparatus
(...) Defiantly a dopplar radar... Josh (23 years ago, 19-Oct-01, to

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