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 Boats / *375 (-5)
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) Wow!!!! It's great to see the whole process and creation-cycle on your site! I loved seeing the real thing back last summer at BrickFest, but reading about the great lengths you went to in constructing that masterpiece was very enjoyable! I (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
One thing that I would like to see is a comparison page so that viewers could see the progression of your construction techniques from the Gloire to the HMS Queen to the Frederick der Grosse to the Takao. I've always been able to recognize the ships (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) I'm glad I got to see this person at BF 2002. I really enjoyed it. I remember pouring over the 2001 'fest pictures of FdG, and really wishing I had been there. Also, seeing you arrive with this large dark gray monster packed in your Geo was (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) Yeah, I've been sort of worried about that--I may have to tweak the pages to see if I can't get the "default background" to be something other than white. Dialup takes too long to load that pattern .jpg for the background, so you can't read (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) <snip> (...) Nice setup on the webpage. Just don't browse on a dialup connection:) And as for the ship, I saw it at Brickfest and was amazed watching it being constructed and seeing it completed. There are so many details that were really (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to lugnet.pirates,,

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