| | Re: Sterling MOC Three
Wow! More great surreal MOCs. I like the little 'prototype' ship alot, all the machinery makes for a cool effect- sort of looks like the early steam ships, with all that machinery. But what is it a prototype of? It would be cool if you made a (...) (22 years ago, 24-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Sterling MOC Three
No not a boy band from the 60's! More Boats and a Sub from the HotWaterPlanet! (URL) reconstruction of Lord Sterlingbrick's original protype. The two person Cuttlefish class sub and boom excavator which could be used as a fire-ship. Best DaveG (22 years ago, 23-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MOC Sterling Tug
(...) First design I tried had a Racer-Pull motor and a single piston. But changed my mind and went with HOG rocker-arm. My longer one has micro-motor in it(still working on it). (...) Alter-Energy Space! Sure, Build and Raid my ideas at will. I (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MOC Sterling Tug
(...) More of a Air chamber to feed the Grill not a Cargo hold. The atmosphere is cold but very thin so lots of the air need to flow over the radiator. But that's just the way I look at it. But feel free to imagine it as you like. :) (...) I have (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MOC Sterling Tug
That's cool. I really like your almost surrealistic models, and this adds to them. The hot water/cold air and vica-versa idea is very interesting, and the piston assembly on the back is very neat. I wonder... on a larger ship, it would be cool if (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MOC Sterling Tug
This is a great concept Dave....indigenous craft always strike a cord with me. It almost reminds me of a PT boat from WWII. The cargo hold and the figs are nice touches...convinces me this is an offworld boat! Hope to see more in the line. Cheers, (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MOC Sterling Tug
(...) Photoshop WOW book 101 or if you have post PS 3.0 Layers effects. (...) Good idea will do so. (...) The HotWaterPlanet is the background for a set games I am/have been working on for a while. So yes I will be posting more MOCs and assorted (...) (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MOC Sterling Tug
(...) shows what the hold looks like open. (...) Looks pretty tuggish to me. :) ...Maybe you could also add a few old tires around the edge of the hull, mounted with either Lego chains or black string, to add more to that idea. (...) Now that's (...) (22 years ago, 19-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | MOC Sterling Tug
Boats from other planets. (URL) am making a few items for an idea I am exploring. This is the first of the proto types. A Sterling Tug Boat!. It will only work on a planet where the sea/water/mud is much higher or lower temp than the air. Pods are (...) (22 years ago, 19-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MOC: Mini Container ship
(...) Here are a few shots of the boat at the display, you can get an idea of the hull design but the "water" tends to hide it some. (URL) here are a few shots of the boat under the bridge: (URL) (22 years ago, 5-Dec-02, to lugnet.boats)