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  Re: Brickshelf Status-- any update???
(...) it's been well over a month now, what gives? ondrew (17 years ago, 8-Sep-07, to lugnet.general, lugnet.ambassadors) ! 
  Re: Getting more colors locked.
(...) Nougat/Light Nougat are the "flesh" colors we know, to my knowedge. Beige is Tan. (...) uh-huh. (...) sjf (17 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: Getting more colors locked.
(...) Here is a list from Peeron of what presumably are official LEGO colors: (URL) and here is a chart from them that I have found quite helpful for comparing colors that have different names on different databases: (URL) Maggie C. (17 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: Getting more colors locked.
(...) This had been discussed back when I was an Ambassador. Essentially, as hard as it is to believe, there is NO official list of color names. When you think about it, working in different languages and now with computer generated models, having (...) (17 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: Getting more colors locked.
(...) I'd like to just see some internal consistency on what TLC calls various colors. I'd first like to know if Jake's color names are still the official locked colors : (URL) so, then why are color descriptions on the shop-at-home site different (...) (17 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Getting more colors locked.
In response to this (URL) smart move> by TLC, as well as (URL) this>, my question is: Can we get more colors locked? Also, what's the chances of getting any retired colors unretired? My 2 faves are Sand Red and Dark Turquoise. The forner is worth (...) (17 years ago, 3-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Any news on more discontinued colors?
Hey all, Forgive me if this has already been discusses in some other ng that I don't happen to read. Have any other Lego colors been confirmed for "retirement?" My reason for asking is that I'm culling pieces from my collection to sell and I'm (...) (17 years ago, 3-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors)
  Re: Your Thoughts on Image Hosting Sites...
(...) I'd like to see support for pictures as well as LDRAW and Track Designer Files. Automatic reduction and file size optimisation, or just an outright ban on people uploading large pictures or BMP formats. Thumbnailing for galleries. Mid-size (...) (17 years ago, 30-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: What's going on with all the back-ordered sets???
(...) This may be true, but they always managed to be top notch before. Now, with all the changes to save money, they are slipping a little. Almost anytime I order from S@H they have items backordered. If demand is higher than usual, they have the (...) (17 years ago, 24-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors,, FTX)
  Re: What's going on with all the back-ordered sets???
(...) Yep:-). Demand was also higher than previous years for sets too. I should also point out that production for sets is a lot like printing - there's a lot of lead time needed to get a set production run done. So what seems obvious now in terms (...) (17 years ago, 24-Aug-07, to lugnet.ambassadors,, FTX)

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