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Re: Getting more colors locked.
Fri, 7 Sep 2007 01:32:53 GMT
11327 times
In lugnet.ambassadors, Rob Ross wrote:
   If so, then why are color descriptions on the shop-at-home site different from this list?

For example, there’s no “Dark Green” on Jake’s list, but the “classic” green color (such as the current green waffle/baseplates or the classic Spruce aka Pine trees) are listed as being “Dark Green” at the shop at home site.

Also, I’ve never seen any bricks from LEGO that are “Nougat” or “Light Nougat” colored. But then I’ve only been an AFOL for almost a year.

So, can someone provide an officially official list of color names that LEGO uses for their actual products? That would be a good start, in my opinion, for being able to exactly match color names in the various lexicons in use (Bricklink, Peeron, SAH, etc.)

This had been discussed back when I was an Ambassador. Essentially, as hard as it is to believe, there is NO official list of color names. When you think about it, working in different languages and now with computer generated models, having no list of color names makes a little sense. There are official names, but they are like “B334-556-78787dhsk=-hhdfjjd” - in other words, computerized gobbily gook, not “Dark Blue.”

I had a conversation with Jake and Steve about this issue, and Jake mentioned that if the Community could standardize its names, it would be easier for the company to follow suit. Right now, the company has no need for a standard list and so it won’t make one. If the community makes the list, it is easy for the company to follow behind. The hard point is that there is no ‘leader’ for color names - Blink calls it one thing, Ldraw something else. So, we get a sort of catch-22.

I’m not involved in Peeron, Blink, or Ldraw, and I’m no longer an Ambassador. I’m expressing what I understood of the situation based on a few conversation. Hopes that helps.

-Lenny Hoffman, former Ambassador

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Getting more colors locked.
(...) Here is a list from Peeron of what presumably are official LEGO colors: (URL) and here is a chart from them that I have found quite helpful for comparing colors that have different names on different databases: (URL) Maggie C. (18 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Getting more colors locked.
(...) I'd like to just see some internal consistency on what TLC calls various colors. I'd first like to know if Jake's color names are still the official locked colors : (URL) so, then why are color descriptions on the shop-at-home site different (...) (18 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)

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