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 Administrative / General / 13698
    Why do pictures in the guide detect as banner adds to Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity —Frank Filz
   I am using Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity desktop for personal firewalling. Recently (not sure when), the Lugnet set guide pictures have stopped showing up. I just did an experiment and determined they are registering as banner/skyscrapper ads. (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: Why do pictures in the guide detect as banner adds to Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity —Dan Boger
     (...) Uh, no idea! Does it give you any hint as to what would cause an image to be blocked? (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general)
         Re: Why do pictures in the guide detect as banner adds to Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity Gereon Stein
     There may be a simple explanation for that, although I would rate ZoneLabs as pretty pedantic if this should prove true: Due to a severe issue with a script that generates the guide thumbnail images, I have replaced that script by a solution using (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general)
         Re: Why do pictures in the guide detect as banner adds to Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity —Frank Filz
     (...) I think one reason Zone Labs tries to block certain advertising images may be to prevent using the image to collect information or something like that. Also annoying are some animated images, though those may be separately blockable. (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general)
         Re: Why do pictures in the guide detect as banner adds to Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity —Dan Boger
     (...) That's probably it - the fact that it's hosted by a different server. Though, since it's from the same TLD, it shouldn't be an issue. FWIW, my ZA doesn't block any lugnet images. (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general)
         Re: Why do pictures in the guide detect as banner adds to Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity Gereon Stein
     (...) It could be that there are settings for ZA that make it quite touchy when it comes to image links. This would block quite a number of useful web links however, so it's probably a setting you do not want in the first place. Just btw., even (...) (19 years ago, 6-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: Why do pictures in the guide detect as banner adds to Zone Labs/Check Point Integrity —David Koudys
   (...) From my experience with Zone Labs Zone alarm a long time ago, I recall that the pics always were labeled as banner/skyscraper ads. At least, that's what I experienced with ZA Dave K (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general)

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