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 Administrative / General / 10368
    Re: SOS. Lugnet member lost log on code and password, send help!! —John D. Forinash
   (...) Not a password-issue so much, but similar. I set myself for NNTP-based Lugnet posting a few years back. It seems to care what my email address is. I don't see a place where I can change what it thinks my email address is. How do I go about (...) (23 years ago, 15-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
        NNTP Posting setup (was Re: SOS. Lugnet member... ) —Dan Boger
   (...) I can't help you change what your news client thinks your email is, but here is how you tell LUGNET to accept posts from you: (URL) Dan Boger (23 years ago, 16-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: NNTP Posting setup (was Re: SOS. Lugnet member... ) —John D. Forinash
   (...) That part is easy. (I'm having to manually lie to it to get the wrong address in the headers to make posting work as it is...) (...) the access I already had-- do y'all care if there's two email addresses on file with my meatspace name (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: NNTP Posting setup (was Re: SOS. Lugnet member... ) —Dan Boger
   (...) nope - no problem at all. (23 years ago, 16-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: NNTP Posting setup (was Re: SOS. Lugnet member... ) —John D. Forinash
   (...) Seems there is a problem with having two different email addresses on file for a given meatspace name. Got this back today: FORM: (URL) There is a problem with the information you submitted. Please fill out the form again to correct the (...) (23 years ago, 23-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: NNTP Posting setup (was Re: SOS. Lugnet member... ) Todd Lehman
   (...) It's because the True E-mail address is different from the News E-mail address. Spamblocks are allowed, but in this case the True E-mail address isn't apparent given the spamblocked version. On the other hand, if mail addressed to (...) (23 years ago, 23-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: NNTP Posting setup (was Re: SOS. Lugnet member... ) —John D. Forinash
   (...) Ok. The heads-up is done, and now so is the re-submit. Sorry for the trouble. -JDF (23 years ago, 23-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)

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