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Re: SOS. Lugnet member lost log on code and password, send help!!
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 20:20:06 GMT
491 times
In article <>, Dan Boger <> wrote:
dunno about the gods part, but you should have a new password in the

Not a password-issue so much, but similar.

I set myself for NNTP-based Lugnet posting a few years back. It seems
to care what my email address is.

I don't see a place where I can change what it thinks my email address is.
How do I go about doing this? Is there a web-form I've missed?

I am not a "member" in the "I've got a username and password" sense of
the word, to my knowledge.

J.D. Forinash                                     ,-.
jd@forinash.not                                  ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets.    `-'

Message has 1 Reply:
  NNTP Posting setup (was Re: SOS. Lugnet member... )
(...) I can't help you change what your news client thinks your email is, but here is how you tell LUGNET to accept posts from you: (URL) Dan Boger (23 years ago, 16-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SOS. Lugnet member lost log on code and password, send help!!
(...) dunno about the gods part, but you should have a new password in the mail. :) Dan (23 years ago, 12-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)

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