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Re: Charter Change for and market.brickshops
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 16:32:03 GMT
737 times
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Julie Krenz writes:

Yes, let's get this cleared up once and for all.

Can we get a ruling on this please? [...]

Okay, I'm reading up on this now. I still have to discuss it with Todd,
who'll make any changes to charters, so give me a couple days.

Meanwhile, I'll also mention (just in case this makes anyone reconsider
their stance) that, waaaay long ago...

I had hoped to build a "LUGNET Marketplace"  at It was to
be a village square of vendor carts, built on a special webpage. It would
have been a place to watch the flow of shops' announcements (new products,
price slashing, limited time offers, etc.) without being able to reply;
literally, in the center of a square of blocky ads (each containing links to
their own shops off LUGNET). Shopkeepers would probably be charged for their
ad spaces and posting privelages. Ads would conform to templates, and
quantity of posts per shopkeeper would be limited. I can imagine many
enhancement possibilities.

I'm not sure if you can imagine what I'm talking about...

In theory, it'd be kinda like a cross between: what they have in backs of
some magazines (the 'Marketplace' section), which is a step up from the
classified ads; and the true-life shopping experience you'd get at a real
outdoor market.

The idea never got much farther than me talking about it, and making a nifty
icon. But being as how we're brainstorming over in the
area, maybe this is worth re-visiting.


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Message has 1 Reply:
  Marketplace / BrickShops was:[Charter Change for]
(...) Okay, I made a quick mock-up. This isn't a fully developed concept... I just want to give you some idea of what I meant in previous post. (URL) some number of shops would have ads surrounding their own posting area. How visitors found a (...) (23 years ago, 23-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.suggestions,  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Charter Change for and market.brickshops
(...) Can we get a ruling on this please? We just had an off topic post about a BrickLink sale, (URL) someone trying to be helpful (props to them!)suggested that posts of that sort ought to be restricted just to market.brickshops. (URL) are a number (...) (23 years ago, 14-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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