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  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Well I'm kinda just goin on looks with these and I'm not too worried about areodynamics. Plus around the WW2 era there where a few plane designs that had the off center engine set-up. Of course none of them had a giant cannon :). (...) I never (...) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Good to be around. I never really left, just fell into lurking mode since work and other commitments have taken up a lot of my time. (...) Thanks on the kudos. I hear ya on the engine thing, but a few of the float planes around the WW1 era had (...) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Thanks Phil. I like the cannon and feed too. It was kind of inspired by the (URL) Doppelganger>. Jamie (URL) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Thanks Roy It would be cool to see something from you in the way of a CS plane or even something steam punkish :). Jamie (URL) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Thank you Gil. The added armaments on the Tornado and the Gyro are a nice improvement compared to the previous "antannae" guns I had on them. The old nozzle thingie from the Slave 1 is a very versatile and nice looking piece. The shell idea I (...) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Thanks JP. The Canard was inspired by Porco Rosso as I stated before and a little by this (URL) plane>. The landing gear isn't the best, but I did want it to have some so it could land in some remote waterless area. If you can get the game, do (...) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
Hi Jamie I think your planes are fantastic! Getting down to details; I am most impressed with the cannon on the Dundee C 30 Dingo Zepplin Hunter and the undercarriage on the Macchi S 42 Canard Float Plane. Thanks for some great MOCs and lots of (...) (21 years ago, 30-Apr-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Might want to consider putting a pusher engine behind the cannon, the off center thrust of just one engine would make this beast VERY hard to fly. (...) What are those? Have I not gotten far enough in my levels on the PC to have seen them? (...) (21 years ago, 30-Apr-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
Cool designs! The modifications to the old models are a nice touch, and the new ones are well done--even if one is a "homage". I especially like the design of the gyrocopter, if only because it's a few steps away from being steampunk. ...hmm...seems (...) (21 years ago, 30-Apr-04, to,

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) Wow. I loved the first incarnations of the Tornado and the Gyro, but the additions to them have really fleshed them out from a great moc to a wonderful one. The Tornado's new angled guns are excellent as they really have that m-60 look to them (...) (21 years ago, 30-Apr-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.264)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
(...) These are the most awesome CS mocs I've seen. Especially the Tornado, it's perfect! I keep coming back to gawk at it. Cheers, (URL) Sci-Fi LEGO> (21 years ago, 3-May-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.262)

  Re: 2 More Crimson Skies Moc's and a few upgrades
Really nice builds, Jamie. My favorite is the Dingo. I love the big cannon with the feed going into the side—great detail. Thanks for sharing. (2 URLs) (21 years ago, 30-Apr-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.261)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOCs
Thanks for the advice! I was wondering how to do that! (21 years ago, 6-Apr-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.260)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOCs
(...) As another poster said, neat Devastator... I like your souped up Devastator as well... seems like something someone (in the game, in character) would have thought of sooner or later. On posting in multiple places... Consider crossposting to (...) (21 years ago, 6-Apr-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.260)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOCs
(...) Thanks. The original Devastator doesn't have props on the front, only the back. But that's why its an upgrade. Thanks again! (21 years ago, 5-Apr-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.260)

  Crimson Skies MOCs
Hey .spacers. I've been lurking for a while now, and have finally been able to post. Since you guys seem to enjoy CS MOCs as well, I thought you'd like to take a look at a few of these. Comments or criticisms are greatly appreciated! (URL) McNamee (...) (21 years ago, 5-Apr-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.260)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOCs
Hi Chris, The Devastator really works for me. Very neat plane! My only concern goes with the lack of landing gear. But it must be a very nice plane to woosh around! Cheers, JP. (21 years ago, 6-Apr-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.257)

  Crimson Skies MOCs
Here's some Crimson Skies MOCs I built about a month ago. Thought you all might be interested. Thanks for taking a look! (URL) (21 years ago, 5-Apr-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.256)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOCs
Hey there. I love your take on the official CS birds. I saw them on brickshelf a few weeks back but had no idea who made them because of the folder naming structure. I didn't even know the Devastator had props on both the front and behind. I look (...) (21 years ago, 5-Apr-04, to

crimson, skies
(score: 1.254)

  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
(...) Hahahaha nice catch. -Geordan (21 years ago, 18-Mar-04, to,, FTX)

crimson, skies
(score: 1.253)

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