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  I'm done with it.
I'm not going to respond to anyone else's accusations or flames in this forum, send me an e-mail if you want to relieve some hostility. I'll just continue to state my opinions and ignore anything anyone has to say about them. -Matthew (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: Begone Vile Troll (Re: No promises when I'll be done...)
(...) Yes I do, but not here, not in this group. In groups like alt.flame; alt.usenet.kooks; etc. I do. But I do it to try and stop what those people are doing to others. Ever been to AUK? They attack people like you, like me, like all of us. I (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) Yes, the vast majority who can't move on, who can't try and take what he created and BUILD off of it, who can't see anything better than what they have. Yes, I know all about the people like you, and I pity you. (...) Oh so you're implying (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) I guess you don't read your own posts then, huh? (...) You know, at least in the end I'll know that the Lego community will never try to make a tin God out of me. That makes me smile inside. (...) It's not always what you say as it is what you (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) I'm not insulting him, I just wish you'd let the poor guy rest in peace. He isn't your tin God and you don't need to worship him like you do. (...) That's because you're limited. I mean take some great artist, say Picasso, what if they were a (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) *shakes head* He was refering to something I said on my website. -Matthew (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) Yes, I imagine many people saw it that way. (...) Actually as it turns out there are a few people who e-mailed me after viewing the site. Some of them agreed with me on certain aspects, a few others completely agreed with me. Funny thing that. (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought. (...) I'm sorry you interpreted it that way, it wasn't my intention to "plug" my site. (...) My site has got nothing to do with it, I wasn't comparing the sites, I pointed out (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) What bothered me about it was that you touted it as if it was something really incredible and I thought it was. Until I arrived, only to find a render of a minifig character with a headlight instead of a head. I mean if that was such an (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) The words, "I'm afraid" and "this is going to suck." come directly to mind once arriving at your webpage. Keep in mind that's just my personal opinion and probably not shared by anyone else. Oh which reminds me, I added something new and (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to

(score: 0.192)

  A couple questions.
Why is it that if I group objects together and then exit the program and come back the pieces are magically gone? I mean I'd like to group things to gether but I don't want to end up losing everything I've done. So far I've learned that the you (...) (24 years ago, 16-Oct-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

(score: 0.192)

  Re: Inferno dat file
(...) point I really need to go through and resort my list. -Matthew -(URL) (24 years ago, 15-Oct-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

(score: 0.192)

  Render and dat file for the Black Hawks engine.
Well I finally decided to get with it and learn LDraw, etc, etc. Although when I went looking for it I found MLCAD...WOW! SO much easier to use, build, understand, etc, etc. I mean I went halfway through the tutorial and jumped right into making my (...) (24 years ago, 15-Oct-00, to, lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)

(score: 0.192)

  I've moved!
I moved my site to a new location, fixed the title image, added instructions for the Inferno (will be adding more soon), and I shall be adding more SW instructions scans pretty soon as well. Here's the new address: (URL) Be sure to update any (...) (24 years ago, 15-Oct-00, to, lugnet.starwars)

(score: 0.192)

  Inferno dat file
Um...I know I said I was going to LDraw the Black Hawk, however there was a piece that I could not find so I chose to do the Inferno instead. The dat file is below, along with a unrendered 4 perspective view of the ship. Right now I'm too tired to (...) (24 years ago, 15-Oct-00, to, lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)

(score: 0.192)

  Re: Introducing the Galactic Shipyards (take 2)
(...) What about some kind of a voting thing? People who visit the site could vote for the one they like best. Personally I don't really mind where mine is at, it's all good. :) -Matthew -(URL) The Star Wars instructions on my website are (...) (24 years ago, 6-May-00, to, lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)

(score: 0.191)

  Re: Giant space ship links site idea
(...) What if you classified them differently. Say starships, capital ships, etc. I think of a capital ship as a sort of mobile space base, which may carry a heavy payload, onboard fighters of some kind, sustainable crew, etc. I mean think of say an (...) (24 years ago, 3-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.191)

  Re: Giant space ship links site idea
(...) I disagree, I think it has more to do with overall size and capacity than it does stud length. The Behemoth on my site is 90 studs long, which doesn't sound too impressive until you note that it's also around 60 studs wide and around 18 studs (...) (24 years ago, 3-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.191)

  Re: Found some old classics
(...) I really like 6985 because it can so easily be altered and modified. I can't think of any Lego set I've rebuilt in so many different ways over the years. Check out the Behemoth on my website if you want to see my newest variation on 6985. (...) (24 years ago, 1-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.191)

  REALLY large models
Okay my next project (which I estimate to take at least a year or two to complete) will be a Star Trek Voyager type ship...minifig scale. Now I already know how I'll build the decks, turbolift, shuttle bay, etc. The problem is I'm wondering about (...) (24 years ago, 2-Oct-00, to

(score: 0.191)

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