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Re: Found some old classics
Sun, 1 Oct 2000 23:58:08 GMT
1048 times
On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:04:03 GMT, "Joakim Olsson" <>

6985 looks really ugly, would be nice to meet the designer...

Wow! It's taken a long time, but I finally heard someone else admit this
spaceship looks ugly! I knew it'd happen eventually ;-)

OK, i have to admit i'm beginning to like the design, it's more like
"different" now.

I really like 6985 because it can so easily be altered and modified.
I can't think of any Lego set I've rebuilt in so many different ways
over the years.  Check out the Behemoth on my website if you want to
see my newest variation on 6985.  Hopefully I can find the time to get
some better pictures of it at some point.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Found some old classics
Paul Baulch wrote in message ... (...) OK, i have to admit i'm beginning to like the design, it's more like "different" now. My favourite ship is the Starfleet Voyager 6929, it was the gem in my collection before entering the Dark Ages. I wonder (...) (25 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to

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