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Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 20:37:28 GMT
1404 times
On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:07:55 GMT, "Shiri Dori" <>

Ignoring for a second your rudeness to Jude,

In, Matthew Moulton writes:
Oh which
reminds me, I added something new and unique to the data portion of my
site.  Come and see it if you want.  I also added a SPECIAL tribute to
James Jessiman.  Oh and be sure you hit refresh to make sure you're
looking at it in it's current state.

I have never seen anything quite as rude as this.

I guess you don't read your own posts then, huh?

I'm sorry, Matthew, but this
is just too much in my opinion. Even ignoring everything else - all your
little personal snipes at people's sites, which are already way outta line - I
simply cannot believe how you can be so disrespectful towards James Jessiman.

You know, at least in the end I'll know that the Lego community will
never try to make a tin God out of me.  That makes me smile inside.

No, he's not a god - no one said he was.

It's not always what you say as it is what you do.

Yes, he contributed a lot to the lego
community. Yes, we all (most of us, at least) appreciate what he did. Those
who knew him personally, or at least better than others, or felt that he
helped them personally, put up something to remember him by. A memorial.

I appreciate what he did, but I do not appreciate the way he is
idealized by people like you.  And the funny thing is, I think that if
he were alive he would agree with me.

Your comments are not only insulting to many people personally in the

When you talk about the "community" are you speaking ONLY for the
people that you think are like you, or everyone?  No matter how much
you would like to think everyone is like you, they aren't.  The silent
majority always rules, even when there are people like you who try to
speak for everyone.

but also directly disrespectful to James' memory.

No, it wasn't at all disrespectful to him or what he did.  You only
see it that way because he's yer little tin God.

It's your right
to flame people's sites, if you don't care about people's feelings.

I'm the kind of person who believes great things can come out of harsh
criticism.  I used to know absolutely nothing of computers or how they
worked.  I liked to pretend that I did though.  I had a teacher at one
point who basically flamed me for it.  It really made me look at
myself and realize that he was right, but it also made me want to
prove to him that I could know as much as I touted.  And I did.  I
spent two years doing personal research, study, and exploration into
the realm of computer and learned everything I could.  When I
graduated the school district appointed me as their technical
coordinator.  I held the position for three years before then going on
to a 4 year university, fully paid for through scholarships and
grants.  If you are willing to accept the fact that you may be bad at
something you can then start looking for ways of improving something
you can do, or trying to accomplish what you can't.

I can't
say it's something that'll make you friends, or supporters, but heck, it's
your choice. But do us all a favor and don't insult his memory. It's the least
you can do.

The least you can do is to STOP.  I mean just stop already!  He made
LDraw, he did some things for the community, he died, MOVE ON!  I
personally believe that if it wasn't for people like you Lego CAD
technology and development would be 10 times as far along.  Instead
all the people like you sit around and grope each other about how
wonderful LDraw is never imagining or attempting to think of ways that
it could be made better.  I mean isn't that what building with Legos
is all about?  Being able to take something good and make it better?
Use the pieces of one idea to form the next?  Move on, and let James
rest in peace, he doesn't need you to idealize him as some sort of


Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) I guess you don't read YOURS either! (...) I (...) Do you know any phrase other than "tin god"??? A few pop into mind to me: -idol -great man -person loved by the community... (...) Then why won't you, as you said in a previous post, "let him (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to
  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
(...) Tin God, no. Maybe a tin spitoon. --Todd (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to,
  harsh criticism vs. noise (was: Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...)
(...) I generally share that belief. However, it seems to me that you come here to make not criticism but noise. Harsh criticism only has a chance of positive results when those doing the criticizing are respected and well articulated. --Todd (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to,
  memoriam (was: Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...)
(...) Matthew, when will you realize that the more you try to discourage people from this, the more it will have the opposite effect? I bet that makes you very frustrated. (...) A one-dimensional, warped perception of reality. (...) Humans need (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: No promises when I'll be done, but...
Ignoring for a second your rudeness to Jude, In, Matthew Moulton writes: [..] (...) I have never seen anything quite as rude as this. I'm sorry, Matthew, but this is just too much in my opinion. Even ignoring everything else - all your (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

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