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  *527096 (-5)
  Re: Burtonmobile
(...) Indeed. Alot of people have complained that many newer bricks are too specialized. Personally, I'm really enjoying the variety of slopes and wedges LEGO has seen fit to produce in the last few years. The new USC Batmobile certainly benefits (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Yes, but what IS it?????
(...) Wow! Looks like it's a fully functioning sewer system! Cool! ROSCO (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Yes, but what IS it?????
(...) Is it an IR controlled switch or point for the poms in the audience (hi Tim David)? Tim (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Horseshoe Bend Rail Road - Rail Truck
(...) Great suggestion! Worth the $12 or so on BL that it would cost to find out:-) JOHN (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Work in progress (foto)
Ragassuoli per dimostrare che sono attivo, vivo e vegeto e soprattutto ho disponibilità di tempo per portare avanti il mio progetto ecco quì le prime fasi del mio nuovo Claw Rig / Dumper che soprannominato "BIG SHOW" date le sue dimensioni (oltre (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to

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