| | Re: Ritorno da Legoland
Luca Giannitti ha scritto: (...) era illuminata tutta di bianco.... (...) ecco lo sapevo che mi conveniva farla a gunzburg, ormai non mi conviene piu' credo... (...) pensa che volevo scrivere noisvanstain !!!!!! :-) ciaoo Cristian (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | My Train Collection
G'day, this is my first post on Lugnet Trains but I have been an avid reader for a long time. Over the years I have managed to build a small collection of Lego trains, many of them are custom made (MOCS) You can see my collection if you click here - (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains) !
 | | Re: Ritorno da Legoland
(...) Molto bella! Ma non c'erano partite del Bayern in quei giorni lì... era illuminata lo stesso l'Allianz Arena? Quando c'ero andato io il Bayern giocava e lo stadio era tutto illuminato di rosso. Mi piacerebbe vederlo illuminato con i colori (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Ritorno da Legoland
Alex Cordero ha scritto: > Almeno voi avete trovato il sole? Noi due giorni di tempo schifoso e la mattina del giorno della partenza un po' di sole... Noi abbiamo trovato il sole e qualche nuvola con pioggia puntualmente gufata da Gabriele o (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Curatorship
(...) SNIP (...) How about a simple, 'To Asgard'? "Big Daddy" Nelson P.S.: Want a co-curator? If so, I'll join yer crew.... Arrr! :) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, lugnet.admin.curators, FTX)
 | | Re: We are your overlords!
(...) I wonder if .vikings will be the first group to have more off topic posts than on? Cheers Richie Dulin FUT .off-topic.fun (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
 | | Re: Ritorno da Legoland
(...) Mi hai fatto ricordare che dovrei mettere anche le nostre della settimana prima... Almeno voi avete trovato il sole? Noi due giorni di tempo schifoso e la mattina del giorno della partenza un po' di sole... Ma quanto è spettacolare l'Allianz (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: We are your overlords!
(...) Yup. (...) Absolutely. (...) For me it's "Take the Last Train to Clarksville"-- the song a group of we train dudes karaoked at BricksWest at the turn of the century sometime. IIRC, Dan Jassim (& Bruce L?) did a rousing rendition of "Rocket (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, FTX)
 | | Re: Rolling Walking Rabbit Wrecker
I like animal mecha. They remind me of ZOIDS. I'd like to see this motorized if possible. Maybe incorporate sensors or something for the wench. I think the ears might be to short for a rabbit. Try the red swords if possible from the Yellow Exoforce (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
 | | Re: Mayday! 4 new MOCs - Retro space - Thunderbirds
In lugnet.space, C. L. GunningCook wrote: A crappy post to Dave... LOL Geesh, I wish Lugnet had a spellcheck or edit feature... the=they, and cosy=cozy. Anyhow Mr Cowdice, (speaking of bad memories) I meant to ask, (and yes, I hate bringing this up) (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: We are your overlords!
(...) Although it's maybe not official, I always hear "Also Sprache Zarathustra" when first hitting .space. Oddly, it works well in .castle, too, though the Soundtrack Of My Brain usually plays that triumphant galloping horn/drum music from Monty (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings)
 | | Re: Skid Steer Loaders
(...) First I have to say if you haven't seen Jennifer Clark's skid steer you must check it out. Skid steer loaders are run by hydraulic motors. The engine runs the hydraulic pump (or pumps depending on model). The pump powers the drive motors(one (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.technic)
 | | Re: Mayday! 4 new MOCs - Retro space - Thunderbirds
(...) Yes sir, the will be "flying south of 7 for the 7th" (after a bit of tweaking), and sort of why I made them. Wink. Also will be bringing another ship I havent posted yet, as Im short on boat studs, and a few other things... but no doll-house. (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: Mayday! 4 new MOCs - Retro space - Thunderbirds
In lugnet.announce.moc, C. L. GunningCook wrote: <snip> (...) These will be at the show on the 7th.... right? Dave K -says hopefully :) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: My first vignette--The Apology
(...) I'm only sorry that I couldn't squeeze a car into the vignette... Derek (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)
 | | Re: My first vignette--The Apology
(...) Thanks Keith--Dan said your man-crush on me was getting out of hand, and I guess he was right. Derek (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.vignette)
 | | Rope?
What kind of rope are we using anyway? -Rob A> (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Re: Human intervention
(...) I agree with that. Pulling a pin is no different that pushing a button. Its not like the force you exert is being transferred to the rope pull...(I start my robot by throwing this 10 point weight on a rope, tied to the robot off the end of the (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto)
 | | Re: My first vignette--The Apology
(...) Thanks Jon--I'm going to use this quote on the back of my book when it comes out. Derek (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)
 | | Re: Introducing Harry Vig
(...) Nice work, Allister! While they're all tours de force to be reckoned with, I particularly like the third - the upset table and the way you've captured the emotions of the situation without modifying figs is a testament to your skill with the (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)