In lugnet.vikings, John Neal wrote:
In lugnet.vikings, Tony Alexander wrote:
In lugnet.vikings, Suzanne Rich wrote:
In lugnet.vikings, Bryan Kinkel wrote:
...cool lyrics to a great Zep tune
Hmm.. is this the only LUGNET newsgroup with a themesong?
Although its maybe not official, I always hear Also Sprache Zarathustra
when first hitting .space.
Oddly, it works well in .castle, too, though the
Soundtrack Of My Brain usually plays that triumphant galloping horn/drum
music from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (or the monkchant).
The same Soundtrack Of
My Brain plays Arlos City of New Orleans or Josh Turners Long Black
Train when I go over to .trains.
For me its Take the Last Train to Clarksville-- the song a group of we
train dudes karaoked at BricksWest at the turn of the century sometime.
IIRC, Dan Jassim (& Bruce L?) did a rousing rendition of Rocket Man.
Another S P A C E classic...
I wonder if .vikings will be the first group to have more off topic posts than
Richie Dulin
FUT .off-topic.fun
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: We are your overlords!
| (...) Yup. (...) Absolutely. (...) For me it's "Take the Last Train to Clarksville"-- the song a group of we train dudes karaoked at BricksWest at the turn of the century sometime. IIRC, Dan Jassim (& Bruce L?) did a rousing rendition of "Rocket (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, FTX)
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