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  *38429 (-10)
  Re: First BayLUG meeting deemed "a success"!
(...) This was a very good sized room especially if we want to separate club and visitor activities - for now, not too small, not too big. I'm glad we were favorably received. We could line up the tables so half the room is for visitor interaction (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: New release of Train
(...) There was a popular rumor that the Metroliner was going to be re-released back in '98, and again in '99. The first year, the rumor was kept pretty quiet. (*Yes. this is a first-hand account, not an urban legend...I spoke with a daytime rep at (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego)
  Re: Train Windows service packs
(...) And separate molds have to be made for the parts -- the base part is slightly smaller, to allow for the thickness of the plating. Steve (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Making new (Star Wars) parts
(...) You know, it's funny. I guess I wasn't using my brain right (even after looking at the set), but I had thought the "Lightsaber Duel" set was for *the* lightsaber duel on Naboo, not the minor run-in on Tattoine. It took me awhile to realize my (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: I forgot one question :(
Mookie, Or 6375, the Exxon Gas Station. (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Problems in RTL?
Gary, I'll bet your newsfeed is, right? It's fubar right now, AFAICT. I was just considering firing off an email to those guys. Seems like NNTP service always goes down the tubes during the summer months around here. Gary Istok (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  Problems in RTL?
Am I the only one having any problems in RTL today, or are there no new messages there since yesterday? Hmmmm. Gary Istok (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  Barbie Sets MIB for LEGO sets/accessories.
I have some Barbie sets MIB that I am willing to part with for LEGO town sets and/or accessories. Anyone with a daughter or a wife that is into these sets, or any female lego traders/buyers for that matter that are interested; PLEASE EMAIL ME AT MY (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to
  Re: Plans vs imagination
HA HA! I do everything that was listed here, so I must annoy everyone to some point! :) Scott Sanburn (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  SW @ Redwood City, CA Kmart
Hi All, Somewhat picked over, 1 gungan sub, 1 infiltrator, 2 A's pod racers, many droid fighters & swamps left. No "old" SW sets. Said they'd call me when more come in. Infiltrator is over with poor regular stock. Sale runs through Saturday. I (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to,

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