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Re: Layout of Jonathan Lopes
Wed, 15 Feb 2006 17:32:06 GMT
3624 times
In, Ondrew Hartigan wrote:

Sometimes I don't know 'when' to take pictures.  You know, how far along I
should be before I showcase things.  Lar being in town worked out great
because I probably would have waited a long time before I took them myself.

i'm glad larry got down there as well. It's allways intersting to see what
others pickup when photographing others models. His pictures provided some
insite into your modeling style that you might not capture.

Excellent point!

my only wish is that
larry or someone would take a wide shot so we can see just how large this layout
of yours really is.


I'll take an overall picture or two within the next few days.  I have been
running around at night like I am 15 years younger this week and have only been
home to sleep. This will continue for the rest of the week.

For now though, the layout is 8' x 16', two levels.  Coming soon: elevated train
to be completed and urban canal to be in place.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Layout of Jonathan Lopes
(...) lol diddo. i've saved several of your pics for inspiration as well. then again i have about 3000 images off of brickshelf that i use for inspiration. =) (...) i'm glad larry got down there as well. It's allways intersting to see what others (...) (18 years ago, 15-Feb-06, to

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