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Re: Layout of Jonathan Lopes
Mon, 13 Feb 2006 16:46:14 GMT
2894 times
In, John Neal wrote:
   In, Jonathan Lopes wrote:

   Sometimes I don’t know ‘when’ to take pictures. You know, how far along I should be before I showcase things.

I think I know what you mean. I tend to what to only photograph finished MOCs-- just a few great eye-popping shots that maximize the “wow” factor. The same for pics of our layout. But personally, I find “under construction” pics rather interesting in and of themselves, and so I have tried to be more “less controlling” and snap shots of messy, unfinished scenes as well. And speaking of, I just took some pics of my new (hmmm, dark red) building “in situ” (lol, I just had an idea-- I’m going to name that MOC the “HDR” building;-)

But on to YOUR layout, Jonathan-- very nicely detailed and polished work. These are the sorts of projects that really turn my crank! With enough $$$ and the resource of Bricklink, the sky really is the limit for creating whatever we want (although I must chide you a bit for building with such great detail and then to create...“6” wides????:-)

I feel my 6 wides are slightly beefier than most. . .with the exceptions of the subway cars which are indeed to narrow. Either way, I stil have a lot of growing to do with building trains. After all, I am (was?)a townie, trains are still new to me.

I hope you have considered portability during your construction (the first iterations of our layouts certainly didn’t) so that you’ll be able to in theory show them off in some sort of public exposition one day. If not, it’s never too late to go back and change everything;-)

Yeah, I thought about portability before I constructed the tables. I decided I was OK with a non-portable set-up. I don’t own a car and really don’t know of anywhere I’d need or want to take things, here anyway.
Keep up the good work (and the progpics:-)


Will do, and Thanks!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Layout of Jonathan Lopes
(...) I think I know what you mean. I tend to what to only photograph finished MOCs-- just a few great eye-popping shots that maximize the "wow" factor. The same for pics of our layout. But personally, I find "under construction" pics rather (...) (18 years ago, 13-Feb-06, to, FTX)

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