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Re: 2009 version Urban Landscape
Wed, 12 Aug 2009 13:18:41 GMT
16701 times
In, David Gregory wrote:
That's quite a town you have there.  Is Al's a diner?


Thanks.  Yes, Al's is a Diner.  Do you mean a real life diner?  Assuming you do,
there is actually a pretty cool story about that.

There is a diner in Fall River, Mass. called AlMac's. I havee a book on
Photorealistic painters - a number of whom paint pictures of diners.  I was
looking through the book and came across AlMac's and decided to build it.  While
researching it I noticed it was located in Fall River - where my father is from.
I asked him if he knew of it and he said he did and that it - along with a super
market chain, called AlMac's were once in our family.

Pretty cool, I think, being the book had many diners to choose from and I chose
to build that one before knowing the history.

Thanks for reading (and for looking at my photos.)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2009 version Urban Landscape
Neat story. That's quite a coincidence! Maybe it's some kind of omen. If you keep making real life buildings in LEGO, eventually you'll own them. ;-) David (15 years ago, 13-Aug-09, to

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  Re: 2009 version Urban Landscape
That's quite a town you have there. Is Al's a diner? David (15 years ago, 12-Aug-09, to

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