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8475 Motor Tests
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Wed, 8 Jan 2003 15:20:53 GMT
13050 times
Last night I performed a few quick tests on the 5292 motors (the new motors
from the 8475 Race Buggy set: to compare them to the
standard geared 9V motor

In summary, the 5292 motor (when geared down to match RPM of 71427) has
about 2.33 times more torque (when stalled). I powered the motors with a 9V
train controller, the dial being rotated to maximum output.

The test set up was simple. I tested the 5292 in several arrangements, and
also tested the 71427 motor for comparison. The test involved powering a
winch that lifted a variable weight. I increased weight until the motor
could just barely lift it. This test and winch set up may not provide the
most precise answers, but will hopefully give us a fair comparison of the
motors (which was my goal).

The test set-up and maximum torque results are presented below:

• 5292 motor, 1:1 ratio[1], 1200 rpm output[2], TORQUE = 0.40 lb·in (4.6 N·cm)
• 5292 motor, 1:3 ratio[1, 3], 1200 rpm output[2], TORQUE = 1.09 lb·in (12.4
• 5292 motor, 1:1 ratio[1], 1700 rpm output[2], TORQUE = 0.34 lb·in (3.8 N·cm)
• 71427 motor, 1:1 ratio[1], TORQUE = 0.48 lb·in (5.5 N·cm)

Looking at the 2nd and 4th test set ups, the winch has a no load rpm of 400
and 360, respectively. To make an equal comparison of torque output, the 2nd
test should have had a no load rpm of 360, but I could not gear it that way

Taking the first two test set ups and fitting a line to the data (Torque vs.
RPM), you can extrapolate to get the torque at a no load rpm of 360. The
result is 12.8 N·cm, which is 2.33 times the torque of test 4 (the 71427 motor).


1. Ratio means the additional gear reduction I built onto the motor. 1:1
means direct drive- no gears.
2. The 5292 motors have two output holes. No load RPM are different for
each: 1200 and 1700 (Ref. &
3. 1:3 ratio: A set of 8t and 24t gears were added between the motor and winch.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: 8475 Motor Tests
This is interesting information, thanks TJ. I must say that I got the visual impression that the buggy motors seemed to have more than a mere 2 - 3 times more shaft power output than the gear motors. The little piece of data which would add greatly (...) (21 years ago, 8-Jan-03, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: 8475 Motor Tests
Hi Thomas, Interesting informations ! I added a link to this thread in my motor comparison page... Philo (21 years ago, 8-Jan-03, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: 8475 Motor Tests
(...) Arrrgh! Don't do this to me! Don't make me want more motors of a different kind! :-) /Tobbe (URL) SPAM when e-mailing) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-03, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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