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Re: Thank God my clock works!
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 03:32:28 GMT
2659 times
"Chris Daniel" <> wrote in message
  The clock itself is the first part and it is regulated by a pallet and a
84 toothed escapement(2 42 tooth lego gears from the 1970's gear set • 001,the
pallets are built with 2 1x2 tripple slopes)which is synchronized threw a
quickrelease to a second hand.

I'm dying to see the details of that escapement!!! Let us know if you get a
.dat done of just that! I started a clock, and gave up after realizing I'd
never get the efficiency I needed using an axle-sprocket based
escapement.... You are a genius to put the old 42 tooth gears to work.

28 hours!!! That's got to be a lego record. How's the accuracy?

Bravo! I'm writing santa now to let him know I want the .dat file for this
clock :-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Thank God my clock works!
The bob I used on the pendulem is for the time being only adjustable by standard lego spaceing so for the time being after a 24 hour run my clock is off by 4 minutes I've uploaded a .dat of the pallets I used. (URL) I need help finding or makeing (...) (22 years ago, 13-Dec-01, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Thank God my clock works!
About a year and a half ago I became obsessed with the desire to build a functional mechanical clock out of legos. Somehow I was able to get my friend Scott cought up in the madness. After 2 previous versions and many frustrations and a few months (...) (22 years ago, 8-Dec-01, to lugnet.technic)

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