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 Technic / 16053
16052  |  16054
lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce.moc
Wed, 26 Dec 2007 00:48:20 GMT
32086 times
I was inspired by Philo's pneumatic wheel and his ratio of 1 switch per piston.

He's right, in that when I did my Inchworms they all used two switches per
piston, and he cut it to one.

I wondered how short I could make one of my inchworms and still have it move.  I
cut down inchworm 3 down to 3 segments (four pairs of legs) and came up with
this three piston/three switch crawler:

The name Octomedius refers to the fact that it has eight legs and is made with
medium pistons (there are no large pistons made these days....)

There are a few similar pictures of Octomedius here:

So, for those of you who have only a few pneumatic parts, you might try your
hand at recreating Octomedius.



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Octomedius
(...) Kevin, First, I want to say its good to see you back and building. Then, I wanted to say I like your inchworm 3; only to see you posted an inchworm 4, and followed it up with Octomedius and something called Bovinius Minimus. I like them all, (...) (16 years ago, 26-Dec-07, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Octomedius
Glad to have been inspiring rather than inspired this time... (...) Well... why not creating BI using the new LPub ;o) Philo (16 years ago, 26-Dec-07, to lugnet.technic)

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