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Re: MINI Gasgano's Pod - MOC
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 01:25:55 GMT
2829 times
I made some comparison renders last night, showing my podracer next to the
two official models.

Folder after moderation:

Now I haven't actually seen the pod racer mini's (or any really, I cannot
get the Tie Mini as it was only available to US residents, and I'm not
paying $30 US, or $50-$60 AU after postage and whatnot to buy it on
EBay.  haven't seen it on any magazines/comics either, but this is another
issue entirely)

What I wanted to know is that is there a 4L bar in trans orange in these
pod racer mini's?  I was building something only yesterday where I thought
"Gee, I could really use a trans orange light sabre blade in this" (and it
wasn't a light saber ;-p )

Trav (-|-)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: MINI Gasgano's Pod - MOC
(...) The TIE Mini wasn't only available to US residents. In fact, it was easier to get them in Europe, as they were available in magazines at newstands there, not here. You couldn't get them that way here. :::still hoping SW Insider doesn't forget (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-03, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: MINI Gasgano's Pod - MOC
(...) Well, there is a purple (well, kinda pink) blade. it's in the Harry Potter set, 4723 Diagon Alley. (URL) of transparent pieces, and 4 x 4L bars (or light sabre blades to us in the know...) one red, one blue/cyan one green and one pinkish Trav (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-03, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  MINI Gasgano's Pod - MOC
Hello all, I'm not the most prolific of builders, but I'm still waiting for the MINI sets to hit retail in my part of the world, so I've been amusing myself by building the existing MINI podracers in MLcad. Since LEGO hasn't released Gasgano's pod (...) (21 years ago, 6-Jan-03, to lugnet.starwars)  

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