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Re: MINI Gasgano's Pod - MOC
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 03:14:38 GMT
3844 times
What I wanted to know is that is there a 4L bar in trans orange in these
pod racer mini's?  I was building something only yesterday where I thought
"Gee, I could really use a trans orange light sabre blade in this" (and it
wasn't a light saber ;-p )

Yep, there's two in each pod racer set. I've been thinking about swapping
out the orange blade from either Anakin's pod or Sebulba's pod with one of
the various minifig's lightsabers to provide more variety than just red,
green, and blue lightsaber blades. Too bad there's no Mace Windu with a
purple blade yet.

Well, there is a purple (well, kinda pink) blade.  it's in the Harry Potter
set,  4723 Diagon Alley.
lots of transparent pieces, and 4 x 4L bars (or light sabre blades to us in
the know...)
one red, one blue/cyan one green and one pinkish

Trav (-|-)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MINI Gasgano's Pod - MOC
(...) get the Tie Mini as it was only available to US residents, and I'm not paying $30 US, or $50-$60 AU after postage and whatnot to buy it on EBay. haven't seen it on any magazines/comics either, but this is another issue entirely) What I wanted (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-03, to lugnet.starwars)

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