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Re: Galaxy Explorer the Way it Should Have Been ;o)
Fri, 16 Feb 2007 16:26:17 GMT
5723 times
In, John P. Henderson wrote:
   Great work. I love being reminded of the space sets that first got me into the theme, as some of the recent posts here have done. ...Still have a couple of X-1 Patrol Crafts myself, kicking around still assembled since days of old...

Thank you. And, yes, I too like the X-1! They are simply cool-looking. I’ve got a couple on my file cabinet, one I made in all white (I like playing with color too much).

   But one thing I never understood: How the heck do the space guys fly using only a steering wheel?

I’ve often thought of this. I suppose one can imagine them using a steering wheel in combination with pedals. Or, imagine the steering wheel’s column is movable to allow for pitch control, like on modern aircraft, but with the right computer/electronic support to account for vacuum conditions. This could be simulated with a hinge-brick, btw, that works pretty well. Often, in MOCs, I tend to do away with the steering wheel and leave the piloting to the computers. :o)



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Galaxy Explorer the Way it Should Have Been ;o)
(...) Playing with color can be fun. It is Futuron, not true Classic, but I do have a copy of the Stardefender 200 that I built in the Blacktron I color scheme. (...) Yes, now that I think of it, a single control, if it could move in three (...) (17 years ago, 17-Feb-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Galaxy Explorer the Way it Should Have Been ;o)
(...) Great work. I love being reminded of the space sets that first got me into the theme, as some of the recent posts here have done. ...Still have a couple of X-1 Patrol Crafts myself, kicking around still assembled since days of old... But one (...) (17 years ago, 16-Feb-07, to, FTX)

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