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 Space / 38609
    Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —Daniel Rubin (27-Apr-05) !!
        Re: Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —David Gregory (27-Apr-05)
         Re: Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —Daniel Rubin (28-Apr-05)
         Re: Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —Brian Davis (28-Apr-05)
        Re: Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —Keith Goldman (28-Apr-05)
        Re: Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —Tim McSweeney (28-Apr-05)
         Re: Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —Daniel Rubin (30-Apr-05)
        Re: Announcing the great Asteroid MOC Contest! —Jeff Stembel (28-Apr-05)

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