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Re: New home for Brickshelf Scan Library
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 15:23:31 GMT
8886 times
In lugnet.general, Dan Boger wrote:
I am happy to announce that the Brickshelf Instuction Library will be coming
back online soon.  Kevin Loch has asked us, and we agreed, to host it at  Since we have to write a new interface for the library, it is not
ready yet to go live, but we hope it will be available soon.

I am glad to hear the good news.

With Peeron becoming an even more valuable resource for the community (not that
it wasn't valuable already), are there any plans for redundancy so if there were
problems with Peeron (God forbid) that we would not be stuck as a community?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New home for Brickshelf Scan Library
(...) Well, I assume that by "problem with Peeron" you mean a problem with Jennifer and myself :) But there are other members of the community that have access to the server, the code, and the data. So even if we were to go away, the site could (...) (19 years ago, 20-Jun-05, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  New home for Brickshelf Scan Library
I am happy to announce that the Brickshelf Instuction Library will be coming back online soon. Kevin Loch has asked us, and we agreed, to host it at Since we have to write a new interface for the library, it is not ready yet to go live, (...) (19 years ago, 17-Jun-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce.peeron, lugnet.announce.brickshelf, lugnet.publish) !! 

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