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 Announcements / Peeron™ / Inventory System Instructions and Catalogs Scan Library (PICSL)

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lugnet.announce.peeron– Official announcements pertaining to Dan & Jennifer Boger's Peeron™ site (

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  Millennium Falcon UCS
Thanks to Steve and Jan, I just added to Peeron LEGO's inventory of the Millennium Falcon UCS. Take a look! (URL) are always welcome! -- Dan Boger (17 years ago, 8-May-07, to lugnet.inv, lugnet.announce.peeron) ! 
  Peeron Memory Upgrade
Peeron has been growing by leaps and bounds since our last major upgrade two years ago - especially after the instruction scan library was moved from (URL) to (URL) PICSL>. While this is great news many of you will have noticed that recently we have (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jan-07, to lugnet.announce.peeron, lugnet.db.inv, FTX) !! 
  Peeron and PICSL updates
Just a quick update on what's going on with Peeron and PICSL recently: - With the new year, Peeron is now able to show instructions from 2003. 36 were made available at midnight on the 1st, and since then, 11 more were added. See all available 2003 (...) (17 years ago, 11-Jan-07, to lugnet.announce.peeron, lugnet.db.inv, lugnet.db.scans) ! 
  Peeron Firefox Extension (beta)
This is my first attempt at writing a firefox extension. It will allow looking up information about sets mentioned in posts on various LEGO sites. See screenshots, examples and install it from here: (URL) hope this might be useful! Dan FUT (...) (18 years ago, 16-Oct-06, to lugnet.announce.peeron, !! 

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