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Pirate Game Questions
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:41:09 GMT
1698 times
I have a few more pirate game questions for those of you with more

1. It says all damage is simultaneous during combat. Does that mean ALL
combat, or each type of combat?  For instance, if a pirate is shot by a
cannon, does he still get to fire his musket? Or if a pirate is killed
by a musket, can he still attack with his cutlass?

2. It says that the ship can turn once at the beginning of its movement.
What if you want to move 6", turn, then move 6", does it take extra crew
actions for this? If you didn't use the free turn in the beginning, can
you apply it in the middle of your move?

3. If a sailor needs to move to accomplish something like loading a
cannon, does he get to move and load the cannon in the same turn, or
does his movement count as his action during the turn and he'll load it
next turn?

4. If a sailor wants to be 'prudent' (aka jump overboard on a sinking
ship) does he need to declare that as his action during the turn, or can
he fire a musket and then jump before the hull damage phase?

5. When a cannon is close to 'crossing the T' of another ship, is the
attacking player required to take the crossing the T minus to hit in
exchange for two damage rolls? Or can they decide which way they want to
play it? If they have multiple cannons, could they choose differently
for each?

6. A player doesn't want his ship to move, but hasn't dropped anchor.
However, he doesn't want to spend any crew actions sailing so all of his
guys could shoot their muskets. I say at this point the referee gets to
move the ship according to the unmanned ship rules. My friend who didn't
want his ship to move, pointed to the rule saying you can just let the
wind slip from your sails. Who is right?

7. Tactical Question - It seems to us after playing, that its vastly
more effective to always aim at the deck and never bother with
grapeshot.  It takes forever to do enough hull or rigging damage to make
them worthwhile.  Grapeshot is just to risky and doesn't do enough
damage to justify the risk.  I could see where in a campaign game if you
were just trying to escape another foe that rigging shots could be worth
it.  Do you think we just aren't following the rules properly?

Thanks in advance!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Pirate Game Questions
(...) Hmmmm, well, I handled cannon fire during ship movement, then resolved minifig combat. Part of this is answered below. (...) Yes. (...) No. The purpose is to allow you to change course based on the events as they stood at the end of the (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-01, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: Pirate Game Questions
OK, a few of these have already been answered so I'll only answer the ones I have a contribution for... (...) Depends... It says in the rules to ignore the placing of figures during ship-to-ship combat (i.e. the captain doesn't need to be by a (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jun-01, to lugnet.pirates)

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