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Re: Sealed Moonbase?
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 14:24:13 GMT
2797 times
In, Adrian Drake writes:
Jamie Neufeld and I (among others I'm sure) have both used a force-field
sort of double airlock technique in the past to avoid needing a double
airlock to access the outside:

(from Jamie's really cool used car lot)

(from my Tycho Brahe hotel)

For a monorail station, I would suggest actually enclosing the monorail
within the station when it comes in to stop, with a couple of these force
fields at either entrance to keep the entire thing buttoned up.  That way
the station is sealed, the train is sealed, and the figs never need to don
their helmets and o2 tanks to get from one side of the Moonbase to the other.

And yes, it's a standard assumption that the Moonbase is sealed,
pressurized, oxygenated, and perhaps even includes normalized gravity.  Any
outside access point (and there should be at least a couple scattered around).

If someone ever builds a Grand Central Station-esque module, that would be a
good place to have a couple of nice external airlocks for random citizens
wandering around to gain access to the Moonbase.


Hi Adrian,
Thanks for the suggestions!  The force field thing is a nice idea!  I
appreciate the help.  My old brain just isn't adapted to thinking in terms
of outer space!  My theme is pirates and I find myself feeling like a duck
out of water in trying to build space mocs! haha  But I'm learning...  Maybe
I'm not too much of an old dog yet!
Thanks as well for the examples!  I need to study the modules made by other
people more!  By the way, your party at the moonbase moc is excellent!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sealed Moonbase?
Jamie Neufeld and I (among others I'm sure) have both used a force-field sort of double airlock technique in the past to avoid needing a double airlock to access the outside: (URL) Jamie's really cool used car lot) (URL) my Tycho Brahe hotel) For a (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to

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