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 Organizations / United States / TEXLUG / 386
    Sealed Moonbase? —William P. (Pat) Hough
   Hey, here's a dumb question. Is the interior (corridors and the like) of the moonbase considered sealed from the outside? In other words, could respective minfigs walking about inside doff their helmets and airtanks without risking peril? The reason (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to
        Re: Sealed Moonbase? —Tom Reed
   (...) Hey Pat, It's my understanding that once the minifigs are inside the module, they are on some sort of life support system. No need for helmets there! If that's not the case, then most of my minifigs are going to die! hah! I don't have any in (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to
        Re: Sealed Moonbase? —Adrian Drake
   Jamie Neufeld and I (among others I'm sure) have both used a force-field sort of double airlock technique in the past to avoid needing a double airlock to access the outside: (URL) Jamie's really cool used car lot) (URL) my Tycho Brahe hotel) For a (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to
        Re: Sealed Moonbase? —Tom Reed
   (...) Hi Adrian, Thanks for the suggestions! The force field thing is a nice idea! I appreciate the help. My old brain just isn't adapted to thinking in terms of outer space! My theme is pirates and I find myself feeling like a duck out of water in (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to

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