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Sealed Moonbase?
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 04:42:05 GMT
1992 times
Hey, here's a dumb question.

Is the interior (corridors and the like) of the moonbase considered sealed
from the outside? In other words, could respective minfigs walking about
inside doff their helmets and airtanks without risking peril?

The reason I ask is that I am setting poses for my minifigs as I build my
modules. Either they are walking, or talking, or staring out a window, etc.
and the ones on the inside have their airtanks and helmets traded in for
hairpieces or headwear. That would be fairly silly, however, if helmets and
tanks are required for the inside of the moonbase as well.

So what do I do? Scramble an O2 alert and get those airtanks and helmets on
ASAP? Or leave them as is?

Personally, I like the idea of a sealed base; otherwise, what is the point
of going out of our way to distinguish corridors and other living space from
the outside?

No one has brought this up to my knowledge and looking at the main moonbase
website yielded nothing. Perhaps this was assumed to be common knowledge.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Sealed Moonbase?
(...) Hey Pat, It's my understanding that once the minifigs are inside the module, they are on some sort of life support system. No need for helmets there! If that's not the case, then most of my minifigs are going to die! hah! I don't have any in (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to

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