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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 969
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Re: MichLUG June 2nd meeting Wrapup - Scott' Report
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 12:49:17 GMT
704 times
In, Tony Hedglen writes:

Sure! Eat all the syrup before we get there. Well since you won’t make us
pancakes then maybe you’ll buy us doughnuts. Yeah! Doughnuts are better.
MMMMMMMM Doughnuts. Cream filling, MMMMMM. MMMMMMMMmmmmm...

The Lowell Meijer, newly opened (yaay! no more shopping at that dingy Family
Fare) has Starr Puff Doughnuts. I bought a box. Mmm were they good. Too
good, in fact, to have around while you're there, so don't get your hopes up.

I'm going to Toronto later this week, which has a lot of Tim Horton's. I
won't be bringing you any donuts from there either.

Breakfast at my place will feature a full menu. Your choice of either bread
or water.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MichLUG June 2nd meeting Wrapup - Scott' Report
(...) Sure! Eat all the syrup before we get there. Well since you won’t make us pancakes then maybe you’ll buy us doughnuts. Yeah! Doughnuts are better. MMMMMMMM Doughnuts. Cream filling, MMMMMM. MMMMMMMMmmmmm... Tony (23 years ago, 5-Jun-01, to

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