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Subscribe as mailing list– DixieLUG: Dixie LEGO Users Group (Southeastern U.S.A.)

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  Cosmos Directorate Unveils SuperSLICE Interceptor
A glorious day has arrived for the State with the introduction of the latest Strategic Light Interceptor and Combat Escort ship in to active service. The Cosmos Directorate is proud to announce the upgrade to the SLICE series, the (URL) SuperSLICE>. (...) (17 years ago, 16-Aug-07, to, lugnet.announce.moc,,, FTX) ! 
  Re: It's time for a DixieLUG meeting - July 14th
(...) Cool. I'll be over there on Tuesday about lunch time with the kiddo. Promised to take him there next week. :-) (17 years ago, 13-Jul-07, to
  Re: It's time for a DixieLUG meeting - July 14th
(...) Um.. 50% off on Outdoor challenger, what's left of Knight's Kingdom line, 50% off some Bionicle sets. 50% off select Creator sets and UCS Batmobile--but sold out of them quickly. Expecting some good stuff this week though..(hint..check your (...) (17 years ago, 10-Jul-07, to
  Re: It's time for a DixieLUG meeting - July 14th
(...) Bummer, maybe next time... Anything good at the store right now? (17 years ago, 9-Jul-07, to

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