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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 3035
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Anyone want to sell RIS2.0 software?
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 06:40:06 GMT
655 times

I'm Greg Hyland, who entered "Buy the Batteries in Bulk" (and was the only one
who used Lego's RIS1.0 software), and was at the last train event. I was
wondering, is there anyone in rtltoronto, and in Toronto perferably, who wants
to sell me their RIS2.0 software?

Slowly, but surely, I'm learning NQC, but I do want to check out RIS2.0, and was
planning on buying the update from Lego S@H, but thought I would ask here if
anyone ahs a spare CD they wanted to sell. To make it ewasy, I could pick up the
disk, and pay in cash. Wow!

I am planning on entering the next competition in February, and will definately
be at the Train event in a couple weeks.

If you want, e-mail me at

Greg Hyland

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Anyone want to sell RIS2.0 software?
(...) I'm not sure if I know anyone who has a 2.0 yet. But I do know someone who would like to buy the USB tower, in case someone wants to part with yet another part of the 2.0 system. (...) Excellent! Look forward to seeing you there! Calum (22 years ago, 27-Dec-01, to
  Re: Anyone want to sell RIS2.0 software?
(...) From what I understand you want to check out the new “Programming Blocks”, correct? But believe me that software it’s not worth the money it will cost you, especially since you’re learning NQC now. I strongly advice you not to spend any time (...) (22 years ago, 27-Dec-01, to

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