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Re: Good Pics of Oxford / Cobi / Lego
Wed, 23 Aug 2006 19:00:13 GMT
5463 times
In, Karl Paulsen wrote:

   There are pictures of the 3 large sets on the back of each large set box. I’ll try and get some pics of the sets, boxes and accessory/weapon sprues up tomorrow or the next day.

As promised...

In order of appearance...

1)Some pages from the instruction manuals 2)Back of large box set showing the 3 available large sets. 3)Pieces leftover after making the models in the 5th picture. Pieces from police station on left and fire station on right. 4)The accessory sprues: there is also a third sprue not pictured that has wrenches, axe and screwdriver. 5) the SWAT van (middle) and fire truck were the only models built to directions (a bit added to the fire truck), I found that there were enough pieces in each large set to make a much nicer buildings than the more toylike models from the directions.

Additional discoveries about these sets:

Most headwear (except for the fireman hats) is LEGO compatible. Justkidz heads are a bit loose when put on LEGO bodies, and LEGO heads do not fit on JustKidz bodies without alot of pressure (likely to break something). Also, the rediculously long Sniper Rifles make good standard rifles when you shorten the barrel and stock, and fine pistols when you remove barrel, stock and scope. I am now fairly convinced that what we have here is an Oxford Clone, and not an Oxford product.

Good day, Karl

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Good Pics of Oxford / Cobi / Lego
(...) I just picked up the police station, fire station and swat van. There are pictures of the 3 large sets on the back of each large set box. I'll try and get some pics of the sets, boxes and accessory/weapon sprues up tomorrow or the next day. As (...) (18 years ago, 21-Aug-06, to, FTX)

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