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Re: Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
Newsgroups:, lugnet.color
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 14:31:16 GMT
3112 times
In, Steve Bliss wrote:
   In, Samarth Moray wrote:
   Hi All,

I’m looking for a list or suggestion of sets which have been released within the past 5 years which are medium sized (say, smaller than ISD or metroliner sized, in the 20$-60$ bracket) Which have decent quantities of preferably old (or new, if necessary) light grey bricks in them.

Does this list help? These are the 30 sets with the most gray/new gray, with

SNIPPY of list

Hello Steve (And others),

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate this. I guess I should have mentioned that I was looking for regular parts (like 1 x x etc) too. But this was still a great help.

Legoswami Samarth

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
(...) Does this list help? These are the 30 sets with the most gray/new gray, with MSRP $20-$60 and released in 2000 or later. PartQty is the amount of gray part. UnitPrice is the MSRP/PartQty -- that is, how much you are paying for each gray part, (...) (19 years ago, 18-Jan-05, to, lugnet.color, FTX) ! 

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