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Re: Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
Newsgroups:, lugnet.color
Tue, 18 Jan 2005 21:31:40 GMT
2525 times
In, Samarth Moray wrote:
Hi All,

I'm looking for a list or suggestion of sets which have been released within the
past 5 years which are medium sized (say, smaller than ISD or metroliner sized,
in the 20$-60$ bracket) Which have decent quantities of preferably old (or new,
if necessary) light grey bricks in them.

Thanks in advance,

Legoswami Samarth

I recently picked up the Mission to Mars (7469) at for 1/2 off ($15).
It has about 125 old grey pieces in various shapes, and sizes.

Hope this helps

Message is in Reply To:
  Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
Hi All, I'm looking for a list or suggestion of sets which have been released within the past 5 years which are medium sized (say, smaller than ISD or metroliner sized, in the 20$-60$ bracket) Which have decent quantities of preferably old (or new, (...) (19 years ago, 18-Jan-05, to, lugnet.color)

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