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  Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
Hi All, I'm looking for a list or suggestion of sets which have been released within the past 5 years which are medium sized (say, smaller than ISD or metroliner sized, in the 20$-60$ bracket) Which have decent quantities of preferably old (or new, (...) (19 years ago, 18-Jan-05, to, lugnet.color)
  Re: Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
(...) It's difficult to find such sets. After many years of parting out, my light grey brick stock is tiny compared to white, red, blue, yellow, and black. I suspect that for some sizes, I have more orange and green than light grey. In the US, one (...) (19 years ago, 18-Jan-05, to, lugnet.color)
  Re: Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
(...) Does this list help? These are the 30 sets with the most gray/new gray, with MSRP $20-$60 and released in 2000 or later. PartQty is the amount of gray part. UnitPrice is the MSRP/PartQty -- that is, how much you are paying for each gray part, (...) (19 years ago, 18-Jan-05, to, lugnet.color, FTX) ! 
  Re: Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
(...) I recently picked up the Mission to Mars (7469) at for 1/2 off ($15). It has about 125 old grey pieces in various shapes, and sizes. Hope this helps (19 years ago, 18-Jan-05, to, lugnet.color)
  Re: Suggestions required for medium sized sets with lots of grey
(...) SNIPPY of list Hello Steve (And others), Thanks a lot! I really appreciate this. I guess I should have mentioned that I was looking for regular parts (like 1 x x etc) too. But this was still a great help. Legoswami Samarth (19 years ago, 19-Jan-05, to, lugnet.color, FTX)

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