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 LEGO Company / 3307
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Re: LEGO reports improved financial results
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 11:06:51 GMT
6280 times
In lugnet.general, Allan Bedford wrote:
LEGO has released their annual report for 2004 and it looks like there is some
good news!

It came into my Inbox via Google alerts, with this link:

Keep up the great work!

Best regards,
Allan B.
It was in all the Danish news yesterday - but not as a positive story, but as a
very negative story with the headlights: LEGO struggling for survival, LEGO will
close down factories in Denmark, Switzerland and USA and move production to
China, and in Billund eventually (by 2007) 1500 people will have lost their jobs
- and in a town with 7000 inhabitants, this would be very noticeable.
Quote Knudstorp in TV-interview: "No areas are protected from downsizing"

Arne, Copenhagen

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LEGO reports improved financial results
(...) It was interesting to note that other Google alerts that I got yesterday gave links to stories that were more like what you describe above. I guess it might be all in how you interpret the numbers. Although things may still not be fantastic, (...) (19 years ago, 7-Apr-05, to
  Re: LEGO reports improved financial results
(...) The BBC is not exactly positive either. (URL) I guess it depends on what the percieved improvement is rather than the current status. I guess one thing LEGO really suffer for is that they can't shift their manufacture around much like other (...) (19 years ago, 7-Apr-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO reports improved financial results
LEGO has released their annual report for 2004 and it looks like there is some good news! (URL) came into my Inbox via Google alerts, with this link: (URL) up the great work! Best regards, Allan B. (19 years ago, 6-Apr-05, to lugnet.general, !! 

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