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Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
Wed, 7 Jul 1999 16:11:57 GMT
1391 times
Todd Lehman wrote:

Here's an idea I've been itching to try out for about 4 years...  I've got a

Very cool!

There has been a fair amount of discussion regarding rules for this, but
I bet that if it just started, people would keep it going well.  I think
the idea of a newsgroup devoted to discussion of these boxes is a good
idea too.  What if there were a small log-book included in the box where
people could write where and when it went and maybe include the stamps
used - or whatever, so that we could get a real feel for it's journey.

1.  You'd have to pitch in at least as many pieces as you took out, and

Good rule.  More specifics - like a ratio to stick to would be cumbersome.

2.  You'd have to work quickly -- grabbing out what you wanted and repacking

Quickly is relative and there might end up several of them floating
around so quickly doesn't matter so much.

3.  Putting in a little more than you took out would be encouraged --

Right.  The idea of forking is really neat too.  I figure that anyone on
the list is agreeing to pony up postage for sending it on in exchange
for the right to trade with it/them.  If/when it comes to me, if it's
reasonable to add enough to cause a fork, I'll do so and then pass one
off to Europe so that someone there can get it going around...but I want
it back when it's returning to North America :-)

If everyone sent the pieces on to the next person via USPS Priority mail,
sealed in a 2-gallon ZipLoc bag, it ought to be fairly inexpensive (about $5
per person), at least within the U.S., which would be a good place to give
it a try.

It would be cheaper for non-priority.  I'm thinking that 1000 pieces is
too many.  How about 200 to start?

Does this sound like a fun idea?


I'm thinking too that it would be fun to just buy a box off the shelf
and send it around for trades and see how it ended up after n trades.


Christopher L. Weeks
central Missouri, USA

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
(...) I think it's important to get the benefit of the strong USPS Priority Mail boxes, which are built-in to the cost of shipping. Even without, it almost never makes sense to mail LEGO non-Priority unless it's a very small (say, 10-oz. or less) (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
As I said in a spawned thread.. with some planning I can get a box moved from one region of the country to another for nothing. If it's small enough. Chris, where are you, I am going to be in Springfield MO for a few hours on Monday. (25 years ago, 7-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
(...) I love the idea. Sounds great. But when a box gets forked, will we be wading through a lot of posts of people asking "where's the forking box?!" It's late, I better go to bed. :-) -- Terry K -- (25 years ago, 10-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
Here's an idea I've been itching to try out for about 4 years... I've got a box of several hundred (or maybe 1000 or more, I haven't counted) LEGO elements that I know I'll never use. These come from buying up large collections at garage sales or (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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