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Subscribe as mailing list– LEGO-centered holiday-specific projects: Halloween cookies, Christmas ornaments, Valentine's Day postcards, etc.

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  new moc: valentine heart
all caught up, (wipes hands). our lug, parlugment, is trying to reinstate building challenges. february's was obvious. while i'm not fond of cutesy hearts and cupids, i was interested in trying my first 3d sculpture. the heart was an obvious (...) (13 years ago, 13-Feb-11, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, FTX)  
  Santa and his Reindeer
A few years ago I put LEGO train tracks around my son's roof towards the ceiling. This year, I made a team of reindeer and a sleigh to run around the tracks. The Santa is an old LEGO set, but the reindeer and sleigh are MOC. I'm not completely (...) (15 years ago, 19-Dec-08, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)  
  Re: Christmas Tree design?
(...) should work...Thanks. (15 years ago, 31-Oct-08, to
  Re: Christmas Tree design?
(...) I've got one that's 19-2/3 bricks tall, and that's built entirely from five copies of the 10069 Tree set, not counting decorations. Those include 68x 1x1 round plates in eight different transparent colors and a chrome 5-point crystal. I (...) (16 years ago, 28-Oct-08, to

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