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Re: NELUG 4/30/00 Brikwars Pics are up.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Tue, 2 May 2000 18:42:43 GMT
1140 times
These look great, Eric!  The set-up and landscaping looks as good as I remember
it!  Some of these pictures made me chuckle out loud.  Just to supply some
captions on some of the pics, for those who weren't in attendance: - it's often been said that
soldiers about to go into battle contemplate their own mortality.  Eric we see
Eric J. struggling to come to grips with the foreshadowings of doom and gloom that
he is haunted by.  He may also be sizing up the landscape to determine the optimal
defensive locations. - Charge of the Spaceslaves.
This little space opera consists of several coverall-adorned menial laborers
taking up pitchforks and shovels, and charging willy-nilly into the opposing
forces.  To their own dismay (but not so much so as to deter their charge), they
made for effective target practice and warm-up for the enemy. - a kamikaze droid is destroyed
as it makes a break for enemy forces, resulting in a glorious explosion as its
internal bomb is detonated.  Along the lower edge of the frame, you may notice a
spacetrooper under the command of Shaun Sullivan.  Caught in the unfortunate
blast, this valiant trooper was blown back against the mountain and summarily
dispatched.  The orange gout on his chest is actually a fountain of viscera, not
flame.  Yes, even plastic violence can be gross. - Dave Eaton's forces on the
other flank are engaged with Shaun's Halftrack.  A hapless spacetrooper can be
seen under fire from the heavy machine gun mount on the halftrack.  Also notice
the tricky Gonk Kamikaze power droid hugging the office-building wall, ready to
make his move. - Dave's 'mech and troops are
moving into position.  In the background Neil's flyer can be seen drawing fire
from a whole slieu of trigger-happy troopers.  Also visible is Dave's
Inspector-Gadget-Esque flyer, with the helicopter-bladed-armorsuit. - The eventual outcome of the
battle is becoming clearer.  Meanwhile, Todd is saying "Hey, this office building
isn't furnished!" - The heralding of the end ...
in the foreground, Eric's hover flyer burns at the feet of Eric K.'s devastating
heavy mech.  The flyer had succeeded in damaging an armed motorcycle, and then
succumbed to anit-aircraft flak.  In the mid-ground, fire burns uncontrolled from
Eric J.'s medium mech, also taken down by rounds from Eric K.'s heavy mech.
Hidden is the carnage wreaked on Eric J.'s ground troops. - The last scenes of the battle
- flames spew everywhere: on the hover flyer, on the burning 'mech hulk, among the
spacetrooper squad itself.  IN the middle of thie picture some flames can be seen
in the second story of a burned-out building.  A trooper wielding a sniper-cannon
had taken up cover there, and subsequently drawn a lobbed grenade from a pesky
spaceninja.  He survived the grenade blast, but was destined to defeat
nonetheless.  This picture also shows the killing grounds that were the central
street - dead spaceslaves and female she-knights litter the ground.  Just peeking
out from under the tan roof of the building in center is the weapon of one of
Shaun's SAMAS power suits, which was hit and destroyed in a ball of flame,
thereafter to plummet to the earth.

Well, that should tide over people for awhile.  I have some pictures as well to be
developed, and will notify people appropriately when they make it onto a page.


Eric Kingsley wrote:

The Pictures for our most recent Brikwars game are up at the NELUG site.
Either follow the link on the NELUG Main page.

Or go directly there using this link.

I hope you all like them.  There arn't that many close ups.  I have a
relatively low budget digital camera that doesn't have a zoom so close ups are
tough for me to get.

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

View My Creations at:

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: NELUG 4/30/00 Brikwars Pics are up.
(...) Did your pics from the last battle ever make it onto the net? I missed them if they did. There were a couple I was looking forward to. I should just buy my own digital camera, eh? Or at least fix the film one I have. eric (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: NELUG 4/30/00 Brikwars Pics are up.
In, Shaun Sullivan writes: <snip> Wee! Sounds like you guys had a great time! Just wondering, who built that awesome church-like structure that appears at the foreground of this pic? (URL) can't quite make it out... looks like it (...) (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: NELUG 4/30/00 Brikwars Pics are up.
(...) You make me sound so philosophical-like. For the record, what I was actually thinking was "why did I stay out so late last night?" eric (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to, lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  NELUG 4/30/00 Brikwars Pics are up.
The Pictures for our most recent Brikwars game are up at the NELUG site. Either follow the link on the NELUG Main page. (URL) go directly there using this link. (URL) hope you all like them. There arn't that many close ups. I have a relatively low (...) (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to, lugnet.gaming)  

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