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BrikWars in the Catacombs
lugnet.castle, lugnet.gaming
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 06:34:21 GMT
594 times
All this whoo-ha about BrikWars* I don't know. It's enough to make one want to
say something like this.

Wanted- A handful of players to play a one turn a week, play by email (but
photos provided), dungeon hack kind of game, hand wavingly based on the
BrikWars* rules.

If you're interested (and I'll only take the first 4 or 5 people) email me
asayc**. You'll need to be familiar with, or at least willing to learn, the
BrikWars* rules.

--To Start, what you'll need to know if you're thinking about playing--

To start a player has a fig with trooper stats and 40CPs. We are playing at
TL2.5 (i.e. TL2, some TL3 if all are agreed)
Players may spend their CPs on Weapons, Armour, equipment, more figs
(servants, bodyguards, etc) and so on.

CPs can also be used to give performance improvements
1. Moves Fast – For each additional +2” of Movement, +1 CP.
2. Thick Hide – For each additional +2 pts of Armor, +1 CP.
3. Unusual Skill – For each additional +2 pts of Skill, +1 CP.
4. Schwarzeneggarian Strength – For additional +1 pt of Power, +3 CP.
5. Close Combat Bonus – For each additional +2 pts of CC bonus, +1 CP.
If you are improving a troop and want to give it extra dice in a certain
statistic, remember that 1d6 is worth 3½ points, 1d10 is worth 5½ points, and
1d20 is worth 10½ points; and remember to always round up.
CPs can also be spent on stupendous feats which cost 3 CPs each.
We'll use the supernatural powers supplement, the costs of psychic powers are
detailed there.
Any other ways to spend CPs will be considered, email for a ruling.

Hopefully I'll be able to recreate whatever figs are characterised for this,
if I can't we'll organise a different appearance (or you can mail me lego) and
then I can take photos of particular points in the action.

The game will run, as I said, one turn a week. In 3 different phases.
1. Description. I'll send a message detailing the room the players are in,
current badguys (location, stats etc.), and other items of interest.
2. Declaration. Players return post stating what they want to do.
It is up to players to co-ordinate their actions amongst themselves.
3. Action. I'll roll dice to decide results and notify all (players and
possibly of the outcome.
This takes us back to phase 1.

I think that covers everything. I hope I'm not swamped by replies. If anyone
wants to help out running, photographing or brainstorming for this, their help
would be appreciated.

Hope to hear from you.

*BrikWars copyleft whoever Mike Rayhawk decides to say it belongs to. Used
without permission (at least 'til I'm told otherwise)
**As Soon As You Can

Message has 1 Reply:
  BrikWars in the Catacombs
Wanted- A handful of players to play a one turn a week, play by email (but photos provided), dungeon hack kind of game, hand wavingly based on the BrikWars* rules. If you're interested (and I'll only take the first 4 or 5 people) email me asayc**. (...) (25 years ago, 26-Apr-00, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.gaming)

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