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BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce,,, lugnet.robotics
Followup-To:, lugnet.robotics
Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:04:34 GMT
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18411 times
BrickFest™ PDX 2007 LEGO Mindstorms Robot Competition

Robotic Easter Egg Hunt

The Challenge:

Build a robot that will look for chocolate Easter eggs, and deposit them over the edges of the arena.

The Rules:

A judge will tell each contestant where to place his robot. At a signal from the judge, the contestant will start the robot. The robot will have three minutes to find as many eggs as possible, and drop them over the edges of the arena.

The ideal is for the robots to be completely independent once they have been started. If a robot becomes stuck or otherwise inoperable, the owner may pick up the robot, make brief adjustments if desired, and place the robot back in the original starting location (and nowhere else). The time will not be stopped while this is taking place. There will be a 10-egg penalty for doing so: ten of the highest point eggs will be removed at the end of the round.

Scoring is as follows: A robot with rabbit ears will receive 2 points. A robot that moves away from the starting area will receive 3 points. Eggs must be dropped outside of the arena to count. Each egg dropped within 6-inches of any corner of the arena will be worth 7 points. Each egg dropped anywhere along the edge of the arena will be worth 3 points. Each egg the robot is carrying (it must be off the floor to count as being carried) will be worth 1 point. One ‘special’ egg will be singled out by the judge at the beginning of the event. The points for that egg will be counted double.

The winner is the robot with the highest number of points.

Building restrictions: Your robot must fit in a 16” by 16” square, though smaller than that is strongly encouraged, as the gap between obstacles may be as small as 16”.

Robots may consist of only LEGO pieces, plus possible custom sensors. You may use any LEGO robot platform you desire. HiTechnic sensors ARE allowed. Any other custom sensor will be allowed as long as its computing power is negligible, and it is smaller than 2”x2”x1”, and not used mechanically. Motor multiplexors are NOT allowed, though your robot MAY use multiple NXTs, RCXs, Scouts, or Cybermasters if desired. Only normal building techniques are allowed. No modifying pieces, gluing, taping, etc.

The robot must stay in one piece at all times. If a part is lost, it will remain on the arena until the end of the round (unless the owner opts to fix his robot, taking the penalties for doing so).

Any mechanism in the robot that tends to remove the foil from the eggs (other than by accident, and with less than one in twenty eggs handled) will be stopped, and its score computed.

The Arena:

The arena will be a flat, smooth 4-foot by 8-foot sheet of some material yet to be chosen (probably a sheet of plastic, or plywood). It will have transparent plastic edges around the sides that are at least 1” high, and at most 2” high. The edges will be less than 1/4” thick.

Sitting on the arena will be two or three LEGO buildings. These will be taped down, so they don’t move. They will be at least 16” away from the walls, and each other. They will have an overhanging roof, and possibly a narrow baseplate edge around the bottom.

A bag of Hershey’s chocolate Easter eggs will be randomly scattered around the arena.

Robot placement is going to be away from the edges, and any obstacles. Eggs will be cleared from that location so that no egg is closer than 4 inches from the robot at the beginning.

At the event:

Each robot will be given 3 minutes to find Easter eggs. A score will be given to each robot after it completes its 3-minute run. Time permitting, each robot will then have a second chance. The higher of the two scores will count.

The highest scoring robot will receive a prize!

After the main individual robot event, there will be a chance for multiple robots to compete against each other at the same time. For this event, the buildings will be removed, and depending on the number of entries, between 3 and 6 robots at a time will be placed on the field. Scoring is slightly different for this event: eggs picked up will be worth 2 points, eggs dropped over the edge, or corners will be worth 5 points. If multiple rounds are required for all robots to have a chance to participate, the winners of the individual rounds will compete in a final round.

Finally, all robots will be judged on aesthetics. The best looking robot will receive a prize.

Some Tips:

The foil may come off the eggs. Make sure that your robot can deal with that -- both handling the foil, as well as handling a ‘naked’ egg.

Make sure your robot can handle the different possible heights of the edge.

High reliability is WAY more important than building a robot that attempts to achieve the highest possible score.

Fine Tuning:

The organizers reserve the right to make minor changes to the arena or rules before or during the event. All teams will be made aware of any changes to the rules.

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
heheh, looks like a very fun contest! We've got a couple questions though: (...) Will the placement be absolute digression of the judge? Will it be at right angles to the wall, or facing any direction? Also, would a contestant be allowed to code (...) (17 years ago, 1-Feb-07, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
I've just received some great news from the LEGO Company: they've offered an NXT set as first prize to the winner of this competition! Thank you LEGO! I'm sure the winner will appreciate this as well. (17 years ago, 8-Feb-07, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)  
  Re: BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
(...) There have been inquiries as to the number of eggs that will be used. The answer is that "one bag" of eggs will be scattered around. The bag pictured is a 9.2-ounce bag, but so far this year I've only been able to find 11-ounce bags. The (...) (17 years ago, 28-Feb-07, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
David, how high is the shortest house? Is it taller than the side panels? ---Will (17 years ago, 20-Mar-07, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: BrickFest™ PDX 2007 - Robotic Easter Egg Hunt
Do we loose points for melting the eggs? At any rate, it makes the foil stay on better. ;-) --Peter (17 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to, lugnet.robotics, FTX)

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