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Re: Commemorative DVD Feedback Thread - POSITIVE
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 00:51:29 GMT
1417 times
In, Todd Thuma wrote:
In, Todd Thuma wrote:
DVD Receipients,

Please be aware there are two areas to post to this thread, a positive and a
negative side.


This thread is for positive comments.


Todd, thank you so much!!! This project was well worth the wait.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the DVD you have produced, it's well done.  I found myself savouring the moment of BrickFest all over again, and smiling and laughing about certain little events that this disk refreshed my memory about.  I want to thank you for going to all the effort as well as thank the people that agreed to allow their photographs to be used for this project.  Personally my favourite parts are the time lapsed photography and speed montages.  For me, it was cool to see my own MOCs in a compilation with so many fine builders MOC's, what a treat.  Also since I never seemed to manage to take any photos of that event, it's great to have this as a memento.   Excellent work, and thank you.  I know I will use this DVD to prove to my Non-AFOL mates that *I'm* not the only one with a brick obsession.

Sincerely entertained,
Janey "Red Brick"

P.S. On a personal note, I was surprised that when viewing the MOC shots, I
missed details at the real event that were caught on camera. That was a real
bonus for me.  Although, I'm bummed that my "salute" never made the hard copy.
Oh well, can't say I didn't give it my best effort!

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  Re: Commemorative DVD Feedback Thread - POSITIVE
(...) This thread is for positive comments. Todd (19 years ago, 9-Nov-04, to

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