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 Castle / 5860
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Bulls Brothers Travelling Circus?
Sun, 27 Aug 2000 22:02:14 GMT
1126 times
I don't like the way the newer castle sets are presented.  The LEGO company
loves telling us that some minifigures are good brave people, and others are
evil robbers.  Yes, the evil guys are always robbers, even though every castle
set I've ever seen contains less money than the Town bank or train station. It
really bugs me that my Fire Ninja Fortress contained only four coins. In the
old days the distinction wasn't as clear and I believed for a long time that
the Black Knights were good guys and always wore red, and the Crusaders were
bad and always wore blue; just becasue one of my very first sets was that
folding Black Knights castle (more of a wall) that was being attacked by a big
catapult.  There weren't any particularly heroic or ugly looking figures, I
guess they were really just two good sides with opposing views.  Now its all
different. But look at the Bulls more closely.  These guys aren't robbers, they
are entertainers!  Yes, there are lots of catuputs, but you could put on a
pretty good show with those, and amaze the crowds as a bulls stunt man is
catapulted into a safety net (not included).  Many bulls are skilled
sword-swallowers, fire-eaters, axe-tossers, and spear-throwers- blindfolded!
(explains the eye patches!)  The royal spectators watch closesly as the famous
escape artist is put into a cage and locked into the battering ram!  And of
course this circus has horses!  After the show, children will want to visit the
Axe Cart to buy their own plastic axe or Bulls shield.  Fun for the whole
family, coming soon to a kingdom near you!  Good idea?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Bulls Brothers Travelling Circus?
(...) Neat idea!! Love the creativity, Brandon... that would explain why they have no permanent home, too! Personally I agree about the bad-guy good-guy theory, and I know I'm not the only one. Let *us* interpret the figs however we want to. People (...) (24 years ago, 27-Aug-00, to lugnet.castle)

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