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 Castle / 5262
5261  |  5263
Re: question..
Mon, 10 Jul 2000 20:49:58 GMT
559 times
Anthony Sava wrote:

Ahh, yes, Castle legos... What better medium for us kids at heart to build our
dreams on a coffee table.  However, I just wish the figures lent themselves
more to realistic posing.  In particular, I would like to know if anyone has
found a way to manipulate the minifigs in such a way to make it look like their
swords were sheathed at their side.  I've tried many things with no luck.
Anyone else have a bright idea?

I used to make swordbelts when I was younger.  I would make a small loop
of thread (enough to loop around, say, two 1x1 cylinder bricks).
Separate the torso from the legs slightly and slip the thread in on the
right side, looping around the left.  With practice, you'll have just
enough space for the fig to wear a sword on its left hip.

For those who would be Lego purists - use the Lego thread included in,
frex, DACTA theme sets, where it comes in multiple-metre spools.  Plenty
of swordbelts :)

Jeff Elliott

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Ahh, yes, Castle legos... What better medium for us kids at heart to build our dreams on a coffee table. However, I just wish the figures lent themselves more to realistic posing. In particular, I would like to know if anyone has found a way to (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)

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